Well, not really! Buying a breastpump is something many pregnant women think about. When should you buy a pump? There are a few factors to consider when you are ready to buy. The first is are you planning to breastfeed, or are you planning to feed your baby breast milk? If you are going to exclusively breastfeed with the occasional bottle given by dad, or grandma or whomever then a manual pump will likely do the trick.
If you are planning to go back to work early then sure, a double electric pump is a no brainer! But what about if you are in between those stages? A double electric pump can be a good purchase especially if this is your first child and you are planning (hoping!) for more. You will get quite a bit of use out of it. If you can afford it then it will be a useful tool in your parenting arsenal!
Personal Breast Pump selection

Should you buy a pump while pregnant? Our advice is no, you should wait. What if you have breastfeeding challenges and need a hospital grade pump for an extended time? What if your baby refuses the bottle no matter what you try? There are many factors in an individual breastfeeding experience and you won't actually have the anwsers until you hold that precious bundle in your arms. Breastpumps don't really go on sale, so waiting until you have your baby won't change that. Plus they are readily available at most pharmacies, check behind the counter with your pharmacist! Breastfeeding is a unique and rewarding experience for most families, and some will struggle and some will have an easy time. Just remember a pump cannot replace skin to skin contact and the benefits to mom and baby that come with that! Enjoy your pregnancy, and start thinking about breastfeeding. Do your research, think about which pump you would purchase, but wait until the time is right!
Good luck and happy feeding.